Travel & Lodging Info
Please use the four tabs at the left to help you get to Door County and to discover where you might want to stay. If you're a "do it yourself-er" you can use the link to Door County maps, at the left or below.
If you're a diehard "do it yourself-er," well, let's just say that Stella Maris Catholic Church - Egg Harbor is at Latitude: 45.046654922625606 Longitude: -87.27638840675354 and the Landmark Resort is at Latitude: 45.04272063617576 Longitude: -87.29702532291412.
You can use this link to go to Google Maps and start at the church.
Or use this link to go to Google Maps and start at the resort.
Please note that written directions from Stella Maris Church to, and from, the Landmark Resort will be posted soon.